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On April 3rd on BFMTV, Alexandra Paget presented three indicators extracted from Trendeo : the balance of plant opening and closing announcements for the first quarter ; the balance of announcements of industrial job creation…
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This is the sixth long paper in a series aiming at showing the wealth of information opened to our  industries & strategies database customers.  Previous papers offered information on R&D capital investments, geographical analyses of…
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This paper is the fifth of a series of papers aiming at showing the insights on worldwide industry offered by our Industry & Strategies database. Previous papers offer information about the United States, the European…
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The Industries & Strategies database, created and distributed by Trendeo, tracks, since 2016, every industrial investment (manufacturing, energy, logistics, R&D) announced worldwide (over 30 MUSD or 50 jobs). Each information is classified by product, sector,…
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The Industries & Strategies database tracks, since 2016, every industrial investment (manufacturing, energy, logistics, R&D) announced worldwide (over 30 MUSD or 50 jobs). Each information is classified by product, sector, company, country, even a qualitative…
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The Industries & Strategies database, created by Trendeo and supported by prestigious sponsors, tracks, since 2016, every industrial investment (manufacturing, energy, logistics, R&D) announced worldwide (over 30 MUSD or 50 jobs). Each information is classified…
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The Industries & Strategies database, created by Trendeo and supported by prestigious sponsors, tracks, since 2016, every industrial investment (manufacturing, energy, logistics, R&D) announced worldwide (over 30 MUSD or 50 jobs). This working paper focuses…
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The World Industrial Investment Monitor, a factory of the future tracking tool Spanning from the Fives Plants of the future observatory, Fives, EDF, the Institut de la Réindustrialisation – whose founding members are GIM, Syntec-Ingénierie,…
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Prologis research just published a report on the most desirable logistics location in Europe. The report shows that proximity and market factors are more important than cost factors. On a map included in the report,…
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From january 2016 to july 2017, the automotive industry is the third sector - excluding energy - by number of investment projects (7% of the overall number of projects), second by number of jobs created…
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