Regional development

Trendeo allows you to highlight the attractiveness of your territory. In a context of strong competition, our data offers you clarity. Trendeo provides you with information at all levels, from the GPS coordinates of an investment to a global aggregate (data available in our global database), via the municipality, department, region, country, continent, etc. All these data are immediately available, which makes it possible to evaluate in real time the local impacts of events such as the Covid, a war or the bankruptcy of a large group. Our series also allow communities and their advisors to understand the dynamics of how to best fit into global value chains.

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Use cases

Follow the local dynamics

Whatever the level of your territory (municipality, agglomeration, employment area, department, region, state, continent, etc.) Trendeo data allows you to measure its performance in terms of jobs or amounts invested (or other indicators such as fundraising, relocations, etc.) Comparison with other territories is extremely easy.

Prepare your activity report

As a development agency, economic development department or other responsible body, you need to report on the dynamism of your territory. With Trendeo data, you can easily integrate the year's key events, job creations and eliminations, and a dynamic perspective, in addition to public, partial, anonymised or delayed data.

Prospect for dynamic companies

Some fast-growing companies are not very well known. Find them as soon as they make their first investment and support them in their development.

Prepare your business meetings

Before meeting with a company director, find out what is going on in the sector and with the company itself, review its history, and identify competitors or partners - in France or even abroad.

Select qualitative investors

Job creation and amounts invested are quantitative indicators that prove insufficient when land and manpower are scarce. Thanks in particular to our "Factory of the Future" qualitative indicator, or our "sustainable development" tag, select responsible investors.


Define personalised alerts

Choose criteria such as sector, territory, company, or events such as fund raising, relocations..., save the corresponding search to receive in your mailbox all the new data published in our database. Your personalised watch is quickly created in a few clicks. Our analysts provide initial training so that you can record your first searches.

Create maps and graphs

Trendeo's databases allow you to obtain maps and graphs breaking down job creations and eliminations, investments, fund raising, by region, sector, period... These functions are available in our France and World databases.

Create an instant report

To facilitate decision-making, our databases allow you to publish an initial report in a few clicks: evolution of jobs created or eliminated, investments, in the chosen territory or sector; summary of the main announcements, with fresh data. This report can be exported in Word or PDF format, to launch a meeting or argue a position. A decision-making tool with unbeatable value for money.

Exportable data

Our data can be exported, with the corresponding option. This is very useful for in-depth analyses, to enrich Trendeo data with other sources. It also makes it easier to use our data in a spreadsheet, business intelligence software or other applications.

Connect our data to your applications

An API makes it easy to integrate our data into an application (website, intranet, CRM, internal databases). This makes it easy to offer an additional monitoring and news service to all your users.

From raw data to analysis report

We adapt to your needs: if a subscription is not the right formula for you, we can provide you with exports of our raw data in the form of a file, or carry out customised analyses, on the basis of a prior estimate.

Our clients

Our data is used to monitor start-ups and major sectors of the regional economy.
The agency uses Trendeo to monitor foreign investments but also to monitor emerging sectors such as those linked to sustainable development.
The criteria of the Factory of the Future are communicated daily to the Banque des Territoires by Trendeo and inserted within the Dataviz Territoires d'industrie, in order to have an exhaustive mapping of the factory of the future. Thomas Raulet, chef de projet du service Dataviz Territoires d’industrie.

Press and Publications

Implantations industrielles : avec la Dataviz sites industriels clés en main, le foncier tout en un

« La Dataviz intégrera aussi les données issues du cabinet Trendeo sur le contexte économique et industriel et son évolution. De quoi permettre la décision la plus éclairée possible. »

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Le Baromètre Arthur Loyd révèle une nouvelle géographie post-crise.
Arthur Loyd - 29 November 2021

« Les données portant sur les levées de fonds par les startups ont pour origine la base de données de Trendeo, observatoire de l’investissement en France. Ces données communales ont fait l’objet d’un retraitement à l’échelle des aires urbaines et des régions par Arthur Loyd. »

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