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600,000 green jobs by 2020 - it's possible!


November 16, 2009

Trendeo today publishes a 32-page dossier on the "green" jobs listed in the Investment Observatory.

Our analyses show that "green" jobs (renewable energies, sustainable materials, recycling, waste treatment and recovery) have been one of the most dynamic sectors in the economy since the start of the year, despite the severe crisis. In fact, if the sector we have defined were an INSEE sector, it would rank second in net investment since the start of the year, behind the retail sector.

We estimate that nearly 4 billion euros have been invested in "green" investments since the start of the year, for a net creation of over 5,500 jobs.

Green" investments are rather atypical: they are twice as industrial as all investments recorded since the beginning of the year, and represent an average investment per job created of 680,000 euros, compared with 340,000 euros in general. What's more, 90% of these investments were made by French companies.

The investments listed are extremely diverse, ranging from the manufacture of small-scale wind turbines for urban use (Apple Wind) to energy production using algae (Fermentalg and Séché), wood waste or recycled newspapers. The announcements also include many projects in the solar sector (around 40% of jobs announced).

The dossier produced by Trendeo includes several fact sheets detailing investment projects announced since the beginning of the year, as well as numerous details that illustrate the value of the investment observatory.

The file can be obtained free of charge on request using the contact form at the following address: http: //