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World database
France database

Global database: more than 25,000 data collected since 2016 to inform your global industrial investment strategies

Access a comprehensive database of industrial investments of over $30 million or 50 jobs created, with over 25,000 records since 2016. Benefit from precise analyses and key indicators to anticipate and make informed decisions.

Industrial investments worldwide

The representativeness of our data in the World database

On the whole, our data correlates well with major economic trends.

For France, for example, we observe a good correlation between our data and INSEE's quarterly data on job creation and destruction.

Comparison of INSEE and Trendeo data

Since 2009, we have observed a strong correlation between the creation and elimination of private-sector jobs recorded by Trendeo and the statistics published by INSEE.
The levels are not the same (we don't track the evolution of temporary employment or sectors made up of micro-businesses, such as the craft industry), but the trends are very similar.

Visual of investment graphs from Trendeo data.
Visual of investment graphs from Trendeo data.
Number of announced investments and total CAPEX

Ultimately, our ambition is to provide the same level of observation worldwide as we do for France. Our users already benefit from excellent visibility on global industrial investment (manufacturing, energy, R&D, logistics, call centers, etc.).

Our Factory of the Future score in the World database

Six Usine du Futur criteria were defined with our partners, Fives, EDF and the Institut de la réindustrialisation, in 2016, when we created our global database, which lists over 23,000 industrial investments announced worldwide since 2016.

The criteria were chosen to reflect all the dimensions of the transformation that global industry is undergoing: technological, environmental, social, societal... Two technological criteria, flexibility and the use of digital technologies are close to what we call industry 4.0. in a very technical sense:


The ability to switch from one product to another, enabling tailor-made manufacturing, for example in pharmaceuticals to produce a drug in solid or liquid form, or to change color or patterns quickly, or customize production.


The introduction of technologies such as the Internet of Things, robotics, automation, 5G, wifi and online personalization. Environmental criteria are linked more closely to the fight against global warming.

Energy efficiency

Any measures taken to reduce energy consumption compared with normal standards.

Environmental efforts

Reduced carbon footprint, less pollution - smoke, polluted water, noise, water conservation...

Social efforts

Actions taken on behalf of employees, through working conditions, health and safety, training, education and compensation...

Territorial efforts

Decisions aimed at improving relations between a production site and local communities and stakeholders, such as favoring local suppliers, funding schools, contributing to local social projects, etc.

Trendeo's features for better use of the data in our databases

Our analysts extract relevant investment and employment information from thousands of online sources . Leverage this data with Trendeo's tools and features.

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Visual of the trend reports that can be generated with Trendeo data.
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Instant and exportable with up-to-date data for optimal strategic decision-making.

Visual of existing indicators for analyzing Trendeo data.

E.g.: plant openings/closures, relocations, offshoring, investments, fund-raising. Easy to communicate and powerful.

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Overview of applications that can be connected to Trendeo data.
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Our API allows you to retrieve Trendeo data and update it with new publications directly in your tools. 

Our users' questions about Trendeo data

What types of data are available in the Trendeo World database?
How can I access the data in the Trendeo World database?
What are the advantages of subscribing to Trendeo's World database?
How does Trendeo guarantee the quality and accuracy of the data in the Monde database?

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