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World database
France database

Business development: analysis to develop your business opportunities

Investment decisions are business opportunities for B2B companies. Our analysts continuously synthesize information on major investments and job creations, providing accurate data since 2009.
Every day, access insights on €260 million of investments in France and $4,000 million worldwide.

Strengthen your market intelligence
Anticipate major investments
Prioritize dynamic companies
Support your sales team

They use Trendeo data to develop their business opportunities.

Today, data is available in numerous online resources. However, it is difficult to verify, qualify and extract key indicators.

Alix Partners

Trendeo data make it easier for consultants to carry out sector-based analyses, as well as identifying companies in turnaround.

Business France

The quality of the data provided by Trendeo enables us to better identify FDI trends, and this information feeds our reflections on the direction of our prospecting strategy.


I use Trendeo to get a real snapshot of the state of industry in our country. The almost exhaustive range of information provided by this tool enables us to estimate in concrete terms which industrial sectors are buoyant and how reindustrialization is taking place in France.

Use cases of our customers who use Trendeo for their business development

Our analysts extract relevant information on investment and employment from thousands of online sources, putting it into a form that can be aggregated to produce readable trends.

Strengthen your market intelligence

Our databases provide you with news monitoring thanks to the thousands of sources tracked by our analysts. They finely index employment and investment-related information, accompanied by qualitative and quantitative indicators that enable you to prioritize information and focus on priority sectors, markets and territories.

Anticipate major investments

Investment decisions are announced well in advance, especially for major investments. Take advantage of this to ensure that you are selected as a supplier or service provider by positioning yourself as early as possible. Get unique coverage of investment in France and worldwide.

Prioritize dynamic companies

Business information databases provide information on millions of companies. We can help you identify the most dynamic among them: those who are creating jobs, investing in new sites, raising funds, expanding abroad...

Support your sales team

Field sales people often work with direct sources and their contacts. As sales manager, however, you can validate with them that they are following the most important operations. Our databases also enable you to manage the evolution of your territorial or sector coverage according to the economic situation.

Trendeo's features for better use of the data in our databases

Our analysts extract relevant investment and employment information from thousands of online sources . Leverage this data with Trendeo's tools and features.

Visual of alerts available on Trendeo data.
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Visual of the graphs and maps that can be generated with Trendeo data.
Create charts and maps

Produce graphs of employment and investment by region, sector, period, etc.

Visual of the trend reports that can be generated with Trendeo data.
Generate trend reports

Instant and exportable with up-to-date data for optimal strategic decision-making.

Visual of existing indicators for analyzing Trendeo data.

E.g.: plant openings/closures, relocations, offshoring, investments, fund-raising. Easy to communicate and powerful.

Visual of Trendeo data exports.
Export your

Get the data you need within a day. Ex: All fundraising over €5m since 2014 in France...

Overview of applications that can be connected to Trendeo data.
Connect your applications

Our API allows you to retrieve Trendeo data and update it with new publications directly in your tools. 

Our users' questions about Trendeo data for business opportunities

How can Trendeo help me identify new business opportunities?
What types of data are available to Trendeo business development professionals?
How can Trendeo help me assess the growth potential of my current and potential customers?
What are the advantages of subscribing to Trendeo's global Industries & Stratégies database for business development professionals?

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