Download our free export of the 1,300 companies that have raised funds!
World database
France database

Our rates


3,990 € excl. tax Annual

Unlimited web access
5 users
5 alerts
Online reports
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8 490€ HT Annual
Unlimited web access
5 alerts
Online reports
Unlimited Excel export
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Made to measure
Unlimited web access
5 alerts
Online reports
Excel export and connection to our API
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* The API enables our data to be redistributed and used in your information system. API fees depend on data use.
20,000 excl. tax Annual
Unlimited web access
5 users
5 alerts
Online reports
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29 900€ HT Annual
Unlimited web access
5 alerts
Online reports
Unlimited Excel export
I subscribe to the
Made to measure
Unlimited web access
5 alerts
Online reports
API* connection
Book a demo
* The API enables our data to be redistributed and used in your information system. API fees depend on data use.

Our customized offers

In addition to distributing data through our databases, we offer à la carte solutions for your specific research, analysis or data export needs.

à la carte

Our analyst will quote you a price based on an estimate of the time required to respond to your request for a territorial, sectoral or other analysis...

Excel data

Exports are prepared on the basis of your request and criteria such as sector, country of origin or destination, period, size of investment, number of jobs created or lost.

Once the number of items of information corresponding to your request has been established, our analyst will draw up a price list based on a price per item of information ranging from €4 to €1/item.

Regional studies France

We offer you a series of turnkey regional analyses. The aim is to give you a quick, concise overview of the main characteristics of each of France's regions in 2022.

Exports from Base France

Here is a list of examples of exports we can carry out for you on the France base

Image of a visual export of Base France Trendeo data.

World Database exports

Here is a list of examples of exports that we can produce for you on the Monde database.

Image of a visual export of Base Monde Trendeo data.

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