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Projects financed by development banks


July 1, 2021

Details of projects financed by development banks

In our database Industries & Stratégiesdatabase, which lists global industrial investments with a Usine du Futur rating, we include information on the financiers of registered projects.

Here we present details of projects financed by development banks.

Several observations:

  • a sharp drop in the number and value of projects financed in 2020;
  • the 619 projects with the participation of at least one development bank represent 3% of registered projects, in number, and 4.4% in value;
  • a strong presence, behind the World Bank group (Bank and IFC), of European players and regional banks (Asian and African Development banks). In all, we counted 1,264 investors and co-investors in these 619 projects;
  • a Usine du Futur score that is equal to the average score of all the 20,000+ projects surveyed since 2016 - we expected to find a higher score;
  • a strong preponderance of energy production projects (52% versus 20% in our overall data, by number), and, to a lesser extent, waste and water treatment projects (10% versus 4%). Renewable energies account for the vast majority of energy production projects.

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