September 23, 2022
Since February 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has triggered an economic crisis on an unprecedented scale. Beyond the macroeconomic aspects measured by the fall in GDP and the rise in unemployment or poverty, the question of the resistance of territories to the shock deserves to be asked. The aim of this research, carried out by researchers at EconomiX, is to analyze the scale of the shock in terms of employment, using geo-referenced data. Drawing on the concept and indicators of territorial resilience, the aim is to determine which territories have been hardest hit by the crisis, by comparing the number of jobs lost with the number of jobs expected, given the previous trend. The analysis will be carried out at commune and employment zone level. Using spatial analysis techniques, it will identify the groupings of spatial units that have been hardest hit, those that have been spared, and pinpoint their respective characteristics.This research, led by Lara Abdel Fattah, is part of the work program of the City, Industry and Ecological Transition Chair.