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Factories back in France? Trendeo data for the second half of 2016


October 4, 2016

Over the past 6 months, the French economy has created more factories than it has destroyed. These are the findings of a new economic report published by Trendeo. This note has been distributed to our subscribers, and certain elements have been picked up by the press.

Two articles in particular, one in Le Monde(La France cesse de perdre ses usines), the other in Les Echos(L'industrie française a mis à l'hémorragie des usines.) Another article in Les Echos takes up some of our data on the impact of the presidential election on job creation and loss announcements. Given the example of 2012, it's strong!

Finally, our note contains data on the fifteen French metropolises, ranked according to criteria of job creation, number of startups and fund-raising.