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France database

Factory of the Future projects by region and criteria


June 6, 2023


In the trend note distributed to our customers last March, we provided a summary of industrial projects with a Factory of the Future dimension. Here are some of the points highlighted in the extract below:

  • The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region hosted the largest number of industrial projects with at least one Usine du Futur criterion, ahead of Pays-de-la-Loire and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
  • The highest average score was achieved by the Hauts-de-France region, ahead of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
  • Examples of projects for each of the 6 criteria defined with Fives and EDF show the diversity of companies, by size and sector, that demonstrate good practices.
  • In terms of the detailed criteria identified by our analysts, environmental efforts are the most frequent (45% of rated projects have at least 1 "environmental effort" point), followed by the use of digital techniques, then production flexibility, social efforts, energy efficiency and finally local efforts (local purchasing, subsidies, resource sharing), ...

On the previous page of our report, a map shows the diversity of the sectors concerned: 157 in the food industry, 103 in metal products, 57 projects in materials, 54 in chemicals, ...


The rating system implemented in 2020 in our French data, adapted from the one implemented in our global data, enables us to rate 6 qualitative criteria in the investment projects described by our analysts.

Each of these criteria, when present, is rated 0 (absent), 1 (present but imprecise or not major), or 2 (quantified and important indicator). The overall Usine du Futur score is the sum of the 6 criteria, i.e. a maximum score of 12.

Since this milestone, 240 additional projects have been identified in our database, and all of them are available to our subscribers!