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Trendeo takes part in CNER conference on the development potential of green industries


November 3, 2010

On November 30, CNER, a federation of development agencies and economic expansion committees, is organizing a symposium on the development potential of green industries (eco-industries, cleantech, etc.). David Cousquer will introduce the symposium for Trendeo, presenting an overview of investments in 2009-2010, measured in terms of jobs.Several other speakers will discuss the future of this fast-growing sector: Sophie Chrétien, vice-president of Cleantech Business Angels; Michael Evrard, coordinator of the "Technopole éco-industries" for the Plaine Commune urban community; Stéphane Lecoq, head of the "Enterprise" division of theFrench Agency for International Investment; Grégory Lemkine, Chairman and CEO of WatchFrog, a biotechnology company; Florent BARNABÉ, founder ofInnov'Eco, the Paris region network for ecological innovation; Robert LION, Chairman of the Supervisory Board ofPREDA Paris-Ile-de-France.More information on the CNER website: http: //