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A promising green industry (La Tribune)


November 24, 2009

The November 24 edition of the daily newspaper La tribune features data from our report on green jobs. Accompanying an interview with Laurent Wauquiez, Secretary of State for Employment, an insert entitled"A promising green sector" summarizes the main results of our study:"Trendeo's investment observatory has published an analysis based on investments and disinvestments in green projects in France since January 2009, and the jobs created or destroyed. The result: 98 investments and 15 divestments, with a net balance of almost 6,000 jobs in ten months. All of which validates the hypothesis that 600,000 jobs will be created by 2020. "If this industry were an Insee sector, it would rank second behind retail and ahead of catering and call centers", the authors point out. But they stress the capital requirements of most projects, and the problems of acceptability in wind power and waste treatment. The article is written by Dominique Pialot and Isabelle Moreau.Trendeo's study can be obtained free of charge in PDF format, or accompanied by an excel file containing all the data for €115. For all inquiries, please use the contact form: http: //